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How Fordyce Gel Compares To Other Treatments

Getting rid of your spots can be an immensely positive experience as many Fordyce spots sufferers have reported.

However, treating your spots properly isn’t as simple as one might think. It’s not even about spending more money – many laser therapy patients report issues with hyperpigmentation and spots resurgence.

The truth is, 9 out of 10 Fordyce spots treatment attempts actually fail to bring the visual results that the sufferer expects. That’s because most Fordyce spots treatments have one or more major flaws that makes them inadequate at best and dangerous at worst.

Let’s take a look at 10 critical issues that most Fordyce spots treatments get wrong and how Fordyce Gel addresses them…

  • Most treatments only target 1 of the 4 underlying causes of Fordyce spots.
    Fordyce gel is the only therapy that addresses all 4 causes simultaneously.
    Conventional therapies assume that Fordyce spots have a singular cause and then aim to treat just that one cause. This has shown to be an ineffective treatment strategy because it often leaves many spots unchanged.

    There is not only a lot of variability in the root causes of Fordyce spots between sufferers, even within a single person, there can be multiple underlying causes for their Fordyce spots.

    In other words, some of your spots could be caused by trapped sebum, while others could be caused by oversized sebaceous glands, still others can be caused by overactive oil glands.

    Only partially treating the causes of Fordyce spots will give you substandard results if any at all. The only way to completely take away the disfigurement of Fordyce spots is to get rid of all of them, not just some of them.

    Fordyce Gel is the only comprehensive therapy that treats all 4 root causes of Fordyce spots. It physically shrinks your oil glands, reduces their overactivity, disperses any trapped sebum and remodels the collagen meshwork to reduce gland prominence.

    The net result of all these therapeutic effects acting on all your Fordyce spots at once is that your problem gets resolved quickly and completely, no matter what the specific underlying causes.
  • Most Fordyce spots treatments only focus their action on the epidermis.
    Fordyce Gel has shown to penetrate deeper into the dermis than any other topical therapy.
    Typical over-the-counter topical products rely on cosmeceutical science which focuses primarily on biochemically manipulating the uppermost part of your skin – the epidermis.

    That’s because most skin problems are issues of the epidermis.

    However, Fordyce spots are a problem of the sub-dermis which lies much deeper and is next to impossible for conventional products to access. This requires a level of technical expertise that is far beyond the reach of most topical products companies.

    Remember, unless your therapy can access the sebaceous gland and safely modulate its activity, your results will not only be limited but also temporary.

    Fordyce Gel uses an advanced approach to overcome this critical epidermal barrier problem. From using nano-sized active compounds to employing liposomal delivery mechanisms, the therapy has a much higher dermal penetration than any other topical product on the market.
  • Most treatments trigger injury-causing inflammation in your skin.
    Fordyce Gel actively prevents your immune system from launching an inflammatory response.
    This is a particularly common issue that often leaves Fordyce spots sufferers with disfiguring results from their treatment.

    Since most treatments have a hard time overcoming the epidermal barrier, they often employ a brute force method to go deeper into the skin.

    For example, topical creams often use very strong epidermal depletors to get their actives deeper into the skin. Similarly, lasers, electrodessication and micro-punches damage your dermal tissue all the way down to your sebaceous glands.

    The end result is that your immune system activates an aggressive inflammatory reaction to the damage. Not only is this painful, it significantly increases your chances of scarring and discoloration from something called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

    This is a known side effect of in-clinic procedures.

    Fordyce Gel takes a more finessed approach to its therapy. The Fordyce Gel formula includes multiple anti-inflammatory ingredients that inhibit localized immune hyperactivity.

    These compounds target various steps in inflammatory pathways to constantly keep the damage process in check and allow your Fordyce spots to recede safely and painlessly.
  • Many treatments end up damaging the oil glands under your Fordyce spots.
    Fordyce Gel protects your sebaceous glands while safely modulating their size and activity.
    This is again a perfect example of why brute force methods don’t work. The working principle behind procedures like laser treatments and electrodessication is that damaging the sebaceous gland under your Fordyce spot should solve the problem of overactive oil production and oversized oil glands.

    While this should work in theory, it ignores one inconvenient fact – sebaceous glands regenerate.

    Lasers, electrodessication and micro-punching are essentially blind procedures. The doctor typically knows the general location of your sebaceous gland but can only take their best guess at where the gland resides.

    This usually leads to the oil gland being partially damaged. This can lead to two big problems – damaged glands can either harden or increase their oil production as a result of the injury or simply regenerate.

    So, any results you may see will probably be temporary.

    Fordyce Gel takes a completely different approach. The therapy is designed to regress your spots by working at a biochemical level. For example, rather than damaging your oil glands, Fordyce Gel targets your sebocytes and decreases their proliferation and differentiation.

    This approach naturally reverses the process that formed your spots in the first place. This not only preserves your sebaceous glands, it leads to long term results.
  • Most therapies never address the skin color imbalance over your Fordyce spots.
    Fordyce Gel normalizes any skin tone unevenness so your treated spots become completely unnoticeable.
    Just have a close look at your Fordyce spots and you’ll notice that the color on the crest is slightly different from the surrounding skin. That’s because the pigment distribution over your spots is usually uneven.

    Conventional treatments tend to either ignore this uneven skin tone issue or make it worse by damaging the melanocytes (pigment producing cells) on the way down to the oil gland.

    The Fordyce Gel therapy is melanocyte-sparing. It makes a deliberate effort to protect your melanocytes through careful balancing of the active ingredients and select anti-inflammatory compounds.

    It even improves the migration of your melanocytes into hypopigmented areas so that your skin color blends in perfectly between the sites where your spots used to be and its neighboring region.
  • Most treatments leave the DNA in your skin vulnerable to UV damage.
    Fordyce Gel protects your treated spots from photodamage during therapy.
    Your epidermis is not just designed to keep microbes and toxic substances out, it also protects the underling tissue from sun damage. UV damage can even take place in the absence of direct sunlight under ambient conditions and can even occur through clothes.

    That’s why UV damage is so hard to avoid and why skin cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide.

    Now imagine how much more vulnerable your skin cell DNA is when Fordyce spots treatments weaken your epidermal barrier. In an effort to deliver the active ingredients deep inside, many products leave your dermal tissue exposed to this threat because the damage is not readily visible and the effect may not be apparent for years.

    Fordyce Gel resolves this crucial issue by using ingredients that reduce skin photosensitivity and protect your skin cell DNA through their antioxidant effects.

    This ensures that your therapy is not only effective but safe as well.
  • Many treatments leave your skin with indentations from collagen damage.
    Fordyce Gel remodels your collagen meshwork so your post-treated skin is firm.
    Treatments that use a caustic approach to eliminating the oil glands (cryotherapy, wart treatments) end up causing significant damage to the surrounding collagen.

    Collagen plays a crucial role in maintaining the structural support of your skin and damaging it can leave your skin dimpled, saggy and odd textured. Treatments that breakdown your collagen replace your Fordyce spots with an equally unsightly problem – pitted skin.

    Fordyce Gel maintains your dermal integrity throughout the therapy by boosting the collagen and elastin production under your skin. This leaves you with perfectly taut, healthy looking skin once your Fordyce spots regress.
  • Most treatments only give you one chance at eliminating your Fordyce spots.
    Fordyce Gel gives you the freedom to move up or down in strength until you see perfect results.
    When it comes to Fordyce spots, no two people are alike. Everyone has different epidermal thicknesses, different immuno-sensitivities and their oil glands can be present at different depths under the surface.

    With all these variabilities between each Fordyce spots case, how can a single product formulation work for everyone?

    It simply can’t.

    That’s why single product therapies have such poor success rates. Fordyce Gel not only customizes the formulation based on what part of your body has Fordyce spots, it also comes in 6 different strengths.
    • That’s 6 different strength formulas for Fordyce spots on your lips (Fordyce Balm).
    • And 6 different strength formulas for Fordyce spots on penile/scrotal/labial skin (Fordyce Gel).

      This gives you the ability to adapt your therapy precisely to the needs of your exact spots. If your skin gets irritated, you simply move down a strength and if your Fordyce spots are resistant to the therapy, you simply move up to a strength that gives you a positive response. This means no matter how unique your skin or stubborn your particular case, there is a perfect strength available to completely eliminate your Fordyce spots.

  • When a treatment does show some results, those results are usually temporary.
    Fordyce Gel permanently regresses your fordyce spots and prevents new ones from forming.
    Most over-the-counter products touted for Fordyce spots treat the problem at a superficial level (acne products, peels, etc.) They temporarily smooth the top layer of your skin.

    However, our skin by its very nature constantly renews itself and it does this faster than any other organ.

    This essentially means that any superficial improvements you may notice on your skin will be short lived and your Fordyce spots will return to their previous state fairly quickly.

    Also bear in mind that whatever number of Fordyce spots you currently have, you are likely to form many more with age. Most conventional treatments only focus on your current spots and do nothing to prevent future ones.

    Fordyce Gel addresses both these issues:
  • With most treatments, you are left to deal with your problem on your own.
    Fordyce Gel guides you throughout your therapy with experts, doctors and artificial intelligence.
    When you purchase a typical over-the-counter product for treating your Fordyce spots, all you have are the directions on the box to guide you through what is a complicated journey.

    Should you increase your daily applications if your spots aren’t shrinking? Are your spots regressing at a suitable pace? How long will it be before you see them completely disappear? There will be a million questions that will crop up along the way.

    You should be able to have those questions answered quickly and by qualified people. Most companies just don’t devote the kind of resources necessary to treat every customer with the kind of attention their condition needs.

    Fordyce Gel however puts an entire team of experts at your disposal 24 hours a day.

    From therapy guides, to certified dermatologists, you are empowered with knowledge and advice that can mean the difference between mediocre and visually stunning results.

    At the center of all this support is our new breakthrough app called DocLab.

    This incredible app not only let’s you talk to our experts, it uses artificial intelligence to keep track of your progress. The DocLab app can take a look at your Fordyce spots and make recommendations on how to best use the therapy, it can predict how long it will be before your skin is perfectly smooth and it can even request a better strength on your behalf at no charge.

    It is literally like having an expert by your side 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

As you can see, the remarkable team behind Fordyce Gel has gone to great lengths to anticipate and address every issue that often derails other treatments.

This is why Fordyce Gel is not only the most comprehensive therapy available today, it also has among the highest long term treatment success rates.

Next, let’s take a look at before/after pictures to see how well Fordyce Gel gets rid of Fordyce spots.