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Fordyce Gel
The only treatment that targets all 10 crucial factors
for complete Fordyce spot elimination

We know that to treat Fordyce spots quickly, completely and permanently, your treatment needs to target 10 crucial factors. Unless your treatment addresses all 10 of these things at the same time, it is unlikely to work.

Fordyce Gel is the only therapy to target all 10 crucial factors for complete and effective Fordyce spots treatment:

  • It uses an advanced combination therapy that delivers active ingredients deep below the epidermis – Fordyce Gel uses 3 distinct mechanisms to overcome the common epidermal barrier issue faced by most products.
    • First, unlike Retinol based products with limited epidermal penetration, Fordyce Gel uses a next generation compound called retinaldehyde. Retinaldehyde is the main precursor to retinoic acid which plays a crucial role in regressing Fordyce spots. Retinaldehyde strikes the perfect balance of being stronger than retinol without the serious side effects of retinoic acid.

      Biochemical Conversion of Retinoids

      Highest potency
      available in OTC

      Retinaldehyde is biochemically one step closer in the retinoic acid production chain, making it a superior ingredient than Retinol (which is two steps further down the chain).

    • Next, the Fordyce Gel therapy further enhances dermal absorption by using liposomal technology. This delivery technique encapsulates active ingredients into miniscule biochemical packets smaller than 30nm in size which greatly improves the ability to travel deep into Fordyce spots.
    • Finally, Fordyce Gel also boosts active ingredient passage past the tough epidermis by using a combination of Polyhydroxy Acids and Alpha Hydroxy Acids to deplete the epidermal barrier. This final step has two wonderful benefits – it takes away a significant roadblock to sub-dermal delivery and it immediately gives your skin a smooth texture even before the therapy has completely regressed your spots from the inside.
  • Fordyce Gel disperses the trapped sebum under your Fordyce spots – To accomplish this function, Fordyce Gel borrows from your existing physiology.

    Your body already has a mechanism to naturally breakdown sebum. It uses a bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes that secrets an enzyme called lipase. Lipase breaks down the lipids in your sebum.

    The incorporation of lipase into the Fordyce Gel formula enhances the breakdown and dispersal of sebum present under your Fordyce spots. This lowers the outward push from any trapped oils inside and allows your Fordyce spots to gently retreat back down.

  • It downshifts the sebum production of the sebaceous glands under your Fordyce spots – While retinaldehyde does an excellent job at lowering the majority of your sebum production, our research indicated a need to further lower the gland’s oil production. That’s because Fordyce spots often don’t have follicular ducts and even small amounts of sebum they produce can get trapped under the skin surface and create a bump above.

    So, the Fordyce Gel formula uses two additional ingredients to further lower your sebaceous activity:

    • 2% Salicylic acid – This ingredient acts as a keratolytic agent that loosens the tough outer layer of your epidermis and effectively reduces the sebum production underneath.
    • 3% green tea extract – As salicylic acid clears away the tough outer barrier of your skin, this ingredient goes to work on the deeper layers to decrease sebum production even more.

      Note how both these ingredients work synergistically to reduce sebum production by targeting different layers of your skin. What makes them perfect partner ingredients is that they both also have marked anti-inflammatory properties which is crucial for safe Fordyce spots removal.

  • Fordyce Gel reduces the physical size of the sebaceous glands under your Fordyce spots – This is where retinoids like retinaldehyde really shine. Sebocytes are cells that make up your sebaceous glands. Retinoids have been clinically shown to target the basal sebocytes and decrease their proliferation while also slowing down sebocyte differentiation.

    By inhibiting your sebocytes, retinaldehyde effectively shrinks your oil glands and this has a two-fold benefit:

    • If your Fordyce spots are caused by excess oil being produced by the sebaceous gland, this would lower the gland’s overall activity
    • If your Fordyce spots are caused by enlarged sebaceous glands, shrinking them will proportionately reduce the size of your spots
  • It prevents localized inflammatory responses (a common problem with other Fordyce spots products) – Using a strong product with unfettered strength is the easiest way to damage your dermal tissue and experience permanent scarring or discoloration of your spots.

    This is why the Fordyce Gel therapy pays careful attention to balance its powerful formula with an equally potent anti-inflammatory effect.

    This is accomplished using 3 ingredients:
  • It normalizes the pigmentation over your Fordyce spots to give you a perfectly even skin tone – The biggest risk with most Fordyce spots treatments is something called postinflammatory hyperpigmentation which can leave you with dark spots.

    Even in the absence of inflammation, the skin tone above your spots can be off due to uneven melanocyte distribution.

    There are 3 ingredients in the Fordyce Gel formula that address both these issues and ensure that once your spots regress, your skin tone normalizes as well…
  • It preserves the collagen framework and the delicate blood vessels under your Fordyce spots during the therapy – Quite often with Fordyce spot treatments, the skin is left mottled from damage to the support proteins under the skin.

    Fordyce Gel prevents this cosmetic issue by supporting the structural integrity of your skin throughout the therapy using 3 ingredients:
  • It protects your skin from photodamage during the therapy – Effectively treating Fordyce spots necessitates manipulating the epidermal barrier so that the active ingredients can get deep into the dermis. However, the flip side of this is that it also leaves your skin vulnerable to sun damage.

    While many products ignore this susceptibility, the Fordyce Gel formula has devoted an ingredient that you are probably familiar by now…

    Quercetin – This remarkable antioxidant protects your vulnerable skin from UV damage by scavenging free radicals and reducing the overall oxidative stress in the treated tissue.
  • It allows you to prevent new Fordyce spots from forming – Besides getting rid of your existing Fordyce spots, Fordyce Gel also gives you the ability to stay one step ahead of any new spots that may form in the future.

    The therapy does this by offering you a spot treatment.

    The spot treatment is meant to be used occasionally once your therapy is completed and all your Fordyce spots are eliminated. It is designed to help you target individual spots in the earliest stages so that you can prevent them from ever becoming visible.

    This gives you lifelong protection from Fordyce spots without having to use a product daily. It saves you money and gives you permanent peace of mind.
  • Fordyce Gel lets you customize your therapy based on your specific needs – This is what gives the therapy one the highest success rates of any Fordyce spots treatment on the market.

    Fordyce Gel comes in 6 different strengths.

    Why 6?

    If the treatment is too strong for your skin, you just move down a strength and if your Fordyce spots are not receding fast enough, you simply move up a strength.

    This puts you in complete control of your therapy and ensures that no matter how sensitive your skin or how stubborn your Fordyce spots, there is a Fordyce Gel strength perfect for your exact situation.

    Imagine providing such focused attention and just the perfect treatment strength for your particular Fordyce spots? Not only would this be impossible in a clinic setting or with any other product, this gives you the best chance at absolutely stunning results sitting in the comfort of your home.

Now you might be wondering, which one of the 6 Fordyce gel strengths should you be starting with to see fast results?

Fortunately, there is a simple answer to that.

Next, let’s take a look at which Fordyce Gel strength is perfect for your exact situation.