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Having Fordyce spots can significantly affect your life
And ignoring the problem rarely makes it better

Doctors often suggest that Fordyce spots sufferers be unconcerned about their problem and ignore it because they’re essentially harmless. Strangely the same advice is never given for things like acne which is much shorter lasting and far less disfiguring.

The truth is, Fordyce spots can be quite devastating and research now supports what sufferers have been claiming all along. Having Fordyce spots can affect how people see you, how they interact with you and even how you feel about yourself.

Let’s take a look at why ignoring Fordyce spots isn’t as easy as one might think…

  • Medical surveys have found that Fordyce spots are not only very noticeable by the average person, most people find them esthetically unattractive This can affect how others interact with you either overtly or subconsciously.

    The simple presence of these spots on a person’s lips or genitals has the capacity to alarm others and this can significantly affect your social life, sex life, emotional health and relationships. Fordyce spots may be harmless but unfortunately that doesn’t prevent others from misjudging them for something more sinister.
  • The unfortunate placement of Fordyce spots makes them especially damaging to a person’s perceived image – Studies have suggested that of all the regions on your face where small abnormalities can be easily ignored, irregularities in the dentofacial area (around the mouth) are especially noticeable to the human eye.

    In fact, the clinical evidence goes one step further and suggests that attractive features around the dentofacial area can hugely determine social attractiveness and overall life success. It’s almost mind boggling that the placement of a few spots in just the right place can have such a staggering effect on a person’s life.

    This damaging effect is even more pronounced if you have Fordyce spots around the genital region because evidence suggests most people mistake them for an STD.
  • Once Fordyce spots form, they remain there for life – Unlike acne, warts or even herpes lesions, Fordyce spots tend to be permanent throughout a person’s adult life. What’s worse is that they tend to strike during your prime years where social interactions are very superficially driven. This can negatively impact your friendships, dating life, social life, academic life and even work life.
  • They become bigger and more prominent with age – As mild as your Fordyce spots might look now, they’re likely to become worse with each decade of life. Fordyce spots are sensitive to your endocrine function and regular hormonal fluctuations can trigger a new round of spots formation at any time.

    While most people first notice their Fordyce spots during early adulthood, they also notice that the spots tend to grow in numbers and size over time. This adds to their capacity to disfigure and makes it harder to ignore them as the years progress.
  • They get worse with stress, which traps you in a vicious cycle – Not only is having Fordyce spots stressful, we now know that stress can influence your hormonal function in a way that triggers more spots formation.

    The clinical evidence is clear that stress significantly affects your sebum gland function. Stress not only increases sebum production, it also changes the lipid consistency of sebum. Both these factors make your Fordyce spots look much more prominent and noticeable.

    This traps you in a vicious cycle of being stressed from worsening Fordyce spots and your Fordyce spots themselves worsening from the stress.

This shows that Fordyce spots are not as harmless as commonly believed and their damaging effect on your life is long lasting and ever worsening.

To truly grasp the everyday burden that having Fordyce spots puts on the sufferer, let’s take a look at what the average person thinks about them.