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10 things you should look for in your
Fordyce spots treatment

If your goal is to get rid of your Fordyce spots quickly and achieve perfect esthetic results without any risk of discoloration, scarring or pain, your treatment option should target the following 10 factors.

Any product that doesn’t address all 10 of these things is bound to be either ineffective, dangerous or both.

  • Your treatment should deliver the active ingredients deep past the epidermis

    Many Fordyce spots treatments tout that they use advanced ingredients like Retinol 2%. However, what they don’t mention is that these ingredients have extremely poor dermal penetration. What good is an ingredient if it never gets to the core of your Fordyce spots?

    Sebaceous glands reside in the sub-dermis and typical cosmetics ingredients, including Retinol, never get that far. It is crucial that the treatment you choose provides you with an effective mechanism for subdermal delivery and an explanation for how that mechanism works.
  • Your treatment should disperse any sebum that’s trapped below the surface

    Any good Fordyce spot treatment should be able to breakdown the lipids in the oils produced by your sebaceous gland. Doing this will allow any sebum trapped under your Fordyce spots to naturally disintegrate and disperse into the surrounding tissue where it will be taken up by the body and eliminated.
  • Your treatment should reduce sebaceous gland activity

    While breaking down the trapped sebum under your Fordyce spots is important, it would be pointless unless you also prevent the sebaceous gland from overproducing oils. An effective therapy should naturally subside the activity of the oil gland so that it no longer piles up sebum under the skin.
  • Your treatment should shrink your sebaceous glands

    Lowering the sebaceous gland’s activity is a good start but any improvements you see will only be temporary unless you’re able to physically shrink the gland. By reducing the size of the gland you solve two problems – first the oil production drops significantly and second, since many Fordyce spots are also caused by enlarged sebaceous glands, shrinking them proportionately shrinks your Fordyce spots as well.

    So be sure to check whether your Fordyce spot treatment simply reduces sebum production or gives you long term improvements by diminishing the actual size of the sebaceous glands.
  • Your treatment should avoid triggering a localized inflammatory response

    This is a crucial one. Many products advertise how strong their product is, however this ignores the important fact that there sits a sensitive gland below the surface. While you do want the active ingredients to be strong enough to make it past the epidermis, the moment you get past the epidermis, you enter a region of high immune surveillance.

    Most products that get their ingredients to this point trigger an inflammatory response which increases your chances of developing tissue injury and scarring. Not only is this process painful, which can interrupt your therapy in itself, it can also leave your Fordyce spots looking much worse.

    Be sure to choose a treatment option that continually keeps the inflammation down throughout your therapy.
  • Your treatment should even-out the skin color over your Fordyce spots

    While reducing the size of your Fordyce spots is an extremely important goal for any treatment, what’s equally important is to ensure that the color over your spots has an even tone compared to its surrounding skin.

    There are two big ways in which treatments tend to worsen the skin tone of your Fordyce spots:

    Either the treatment ends up damaging your melanocytes (pigment producing cells), which leaves you with white spots where your Fordyce spots used to be (lasers are notorious for causing this).

    Or the treatment causes something called “post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation”, where you are left with darker dots where the Fordyce spots used to be (many Fordyce spots creams carry this risk).

    To avoid both these issues, you have to make sure that your treatment doesn’t damage your melanocytes and limits pigment over-production at the same time.

    If done properly, evening-out the skin tone over your Fordyce spots can have a more dramatic visual effect than even their size reduction.
  • Your treatment should normalize the collagen meshwork below the spots

    Research tells us that besides the sebaceous glands that reside below your Fordyce spots and oils that may be trapped below the surface, a third factor that affects the appearance of your spots is the collagen framework inside them.

    Often, treatments focus solely on sebaceous activity and ignore this structural scaffolding. What ends up happening is that these treatments disturb the collagen structure to the point where the spots end up as a depression in the skin. Where you may have had protruding bumps before, you are now left with clusters of dimples which looks equally worse.

    This is why it is crucial that the product you choose constantly regenerates the supporting collagen meshwork throughout your therapy. It’s how you’ll end up with taut, healthy looking skin by the end of your treatment.
  • Your treatment should protect the affected area from UV damage during the therapy

    One often ignored risk of dermal depleting therapies is that they temporarily weaken your skin’s ability to shield itself from sun damage. This is one of the most common reasons for hyperpigmentation during therapy.

    Studies have shown that even limited amounts of sun can damage the deeper layers of the skin and trigger the melanocytes to produce excess pigment, permanently discoloring your Fordyce spots. Remember, UV rays from the sun can even cause this damage and discoloration through your clothes.

    That’s why it is crucial to choose a therapy that offers strong UV protection.
  • Your treatment should prevent new spots from forming

    Research indicates that once you’ve formed Fordyce spots, your body is likely to form more spots with every decade of life. While getting rid of your existing spots is a great start, it is crucial to stay one step ahead and treat new spots even before they emerge.

    A good therapy should offer you a spot treatment option that allows you to treat any new spots in the earliest stages when they are far easier to treat and much less visible.
  • Your treatment should offer strength customization

    This is by far the most important thing you could look for in any therapy. No matter how well researched or advanced a product, you won’t know how your Fordyce spots will react to a particular strength until you try it.

    A good therapy should start you off at a safe strength and then allow you to either go up or down in potency based on your results.

    If the product is too strong, you should be able to move down a strength and continue your therapy without pain, irritation or risk of permanent injury.

    However, if the product is too mild, you should have the option to keep moving up in strength until you see a positive response.

    This kind of therapy customization has shown to dramatically improve your chances of treatment success because it puts you in complete control.

If you could target all 10 of these factors with a single therapy, you can almost be certain that your Fordyce spots will be eliminated quickly, safely and with perfect visual results.

While this may seem like a long list, there is one therapy that addresses all 10 of these crucial factors simultaneously – the product is called Fordyce Gel.

Fordyce Gel is based on our most current understanding of how Fordyce spots form. It takes an advanced multifactorial treatment approach and belongs to the next generation of topical therapies that has a near 100% success rate.

Next let’s take a closer look at how this product works.